Navigating the Senior Executive Job Market - 30 April Webinar

From over 18 years of helping organisations across Aotearoa New Zealand appoint senior leaders, we have learnt a lot.

This monthly online webinar will be an opportunity for us to share some of these learnings with anyone interested in furthering their career, either in their current organisation or outside.

Content will be guided by the questions, of course, however is likely to straddle issues including:

How do I get noticed in my organisation for a ‘step up’?

- What kind of CV should I have?
- What skills are in demand for CEOs?
- How do I get a CEO role?
- What tips for moving sectors?
- The NZ market for ‘new’ or ‘returning’ New Zealanders

If you are preparing for your future in a senior leadership role or actively seeking something new right now or just curious, then do join us.

Questions will be taken through the Q&A function and you will be able to join anonymously if you wish.


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